Saturday, November 03, 2007

Natural Extension - Part I

I am growing increasingly impatient with people who have problems following orders and not realizing their limits - specially when it comes to religious limitations. They come up with excuses such as "I don't LIKE limitations or any thing that is too controlling over me", "I do what I want, I dont wanna listen to what other people tell me to do" etc, etc

It is these same people who would be very touchy about following traffic rules and wearing exactly what is up to date and fashionable clothing. Why don't they see a contradiction between their own thinking?

Traffic rules exist to make travelling for us and the pedestrians safer and more organized. Some of them are strict and we may not agree with it, but we follow them anyway, because the reason behind it is only for our welfare. If you extend the idea further (and I am in no way comparing the two - only extending the idea) you would realize that God's limitations for men and women are for the same reason. Some rules we understand and some rules we might not. But there is wisdom behind each and every one of the rules (in Islam).

So why do we have no problems following traffic rules even when we dont like them but have a big problem when it comes to following God's Law? I'll tell you why - because voilating Municipal Laws would lead to instant punishment, where as voilating God's Law may or may not lead to a delayed punishment. Yup! That's how small our minds have become. We only see what is right infront of us.

Maybe we're all losing far-sightedness. Or Maybe we're forgetting that we are all answerable and responsible for our actions. Maybe we've become very selfish. I don't know.


At 9:39 p.m., November 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're absolutly right .. If we think that what we're ?then the answer is we're Muslims .. We're Muslims only by name ... We've forgotten the Islam and its rules and limitations .. We've pushed Islam on behind of us .. we think first for this world where as we should prefer first thinking for Islam in our every matter. I think it is a great drawback of us . Every Muslim should have the knowledge of Islam , and should spread this knowledge not only to the non Muslims but to the Muslims too..lastly I must say that Islamic rules are made for us for our own advantages..


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